Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Joliet, Illinois

After waking up today, which we were lucky enough to sleep in :), we had an amazing breakfast then started our tour of Nauvoo. The Temple is so beautiful. Even though its brand new, it seems to fit in with the rest of the village. The buses took us around Nauvoo then dropped us off in old town Nauvoo. Me, Tuttle, Luke, Al, Jessi Lyn Gurney, and Kayli Coats buddied up and had some good times. We visited the blacksmith shop and got a tight rign, saw the graves of Joseph Smith, Emma, and Hyrum, and, the best place of all, the tinshop. it was fun because the sister missionary was so awesome. We just messed with her and her with us. It was a lot of fun. Then we drove like four hours to random Joliet, Illinois, which is like toilet with a J. On the bus, we (Nate Roberts, David Blackburn, Jessi Lyn, a chick from Wayne, Kayli, Brennan from Arizona, and I) played ER in the back. I took third overall, but I blame that on the rocking bus and me having to be on my knees. After dinner at a pretty good buffet (even buffets are getting really annoying and old), I found a tick in my leg. I have kinda been afraid of getting a tick, but it didn't hurt and I think that its been there since Missouri and I never felt anything. I was freaking out a little inside, and everyone had to look at my amazing, small tick that was lodged in my skin. I found a Bro, but it wasn't Bro Dunsten, who is the medic of the trip. Dunsten was in Chicago getting some girls from Spanish Fork who wanted to go to graduation, so for a quick fix Sperry, Jenkins, and Campbell put alcohol and a band-aid on it. I was still a little freaky-outy about it, so Al and I went downstairs for a walk and found a soccer game. We joined and it was a good time, even thought I got a blister on my foot. After, I came in and played the Skittle game. I think I had about 40 in my mouth before I could chew. Then Dunsten came down and found me and pulled out the tick with much attention from others ha ha. It was just a small bugger, and I wish I would have had my camera. He put some iodine on it and hopefully it will just be a small red spot tomorrow then go away with no lime disease and no need for amputation ha ha. Now I am laying in bed, getting ready for bed, and now that I am finished with this I can go to bed:)

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