Friday, May 30, 2008

4 States in 1 Day

Just so everyone knows, I finished the whole blog then the stupid, stupid computer went weird so now I am doing it again:)....... Well we woke up and hopped onto the bus for a 9 hour bus ride. I mostly slept the whole time, except for the rest stops every few hours. Then I woke up, staggered off the bus, hobbled to the bathroom if needed, and mingled. We watched some movies during the grueling ride: the first one was a story about the Amish and hate crimes or something... I fell asleep. The second one was National Treasure, which was pretty exciting. I saw Nicholas Cage in person while that film was in production almost exactly four years ago in New York City. For lunch, we stopped at a strip mall and split up to our various food desires, and that was basically our "Amish experience" that we were supposed to have. There were a lot of Amish families and couples gracing the various shops, but thats about all we got. We covered four states- Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and finally arrived in Pennsylvania- to end up in Erie, PA right next to Erie Lake. In fact, if you look out our motel window, you can see the waving water. The motel is so very very nice. Its still the usual Holiday Inn EXPRESS, but it is fancier. There is so much more space in the rooms and there are jets in the tub! Very exciting. Poor Luke had to go visit the Emergency Room to have them check on his ear, for he had a stick go up his ear while messing around in Nauvoo then it started to bleed today. Al and I went downstairs and played Skip-Bo, then were shooed of to bed before we could finish. When we got to the room, we took off again (sneaky, sneaky) because Jake had to get his housing application done so he could room with all of us at SNOW GARDENS! We messed in their room for a while, then came back to find that Cody had bought National Treasure 2 for our viewing pleasures. I thought it was very kind of him. I stayed up afterwards playing Peggle, then decided I out to blog. After I finish, I am going to hop into the enticing bathtub, fill it up, and turn on the jets. Too bad Elton John isn't here to sing, "J-J-J JD and the Jetsssssss." The funny thing is I already wrote that the first time I tried to blog and its not as funny the second time, but still worth to put in the story ha ha.

1 comment:

Janett said...

I didn't know you were so sneaky!! The tub thing - we need one at home don't you think?

Hope you are having fun. Love you best