Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Fun Travel Day

My shower this morning sucked very badly! It was nice and warm at the beginning, but because I got in just about the time everyone else would, it went ice cold and I had to bail early because it was seriously ice cold. I was assigned on bus #1 for like the fifth time in a row and sat by Lenae from St. Johns, Arizona and we had good time. After scripture study, during which I was slightly dozing off, I placed my pillow between my head and the window and slept. At one point I woke up and looked over on Lenae's lap was a blue case that I thought was my scripture case so I grabbed it and said thanks for not letting my scriptures fall off my lap, but then I realized I had finished my daily reading and the case she had was her make up case... ha ha kinda embarassing, but I blame it on the drowsiness:) On the bus, we watched "Miracle" and "The Rookie." The first one I really liked but the second one I tried to sleep so I only watched part of it. For lunch, we stopped in the middle of a construction site with a Hardee's on one side and a Subway clear on the other side of the construction, and the majority of us braved the orange cones and got a sub for lunch. I ate with Tiffany Whymer, who turns out to be a really cool girl. We again walked through the construction to go to Wal-mart to search for coloring books and crayons for her and a novel to read for me. They had what she wanted, but all the novels they had were love stories like Nora Roberts.... blah. Then we reloaded the buses with new seating charts, but I barely moved from my first seat. We drove a few more hours then landed in Nauvoo really early, early enough to go see a little musical about Nauvoo that some missionaries are called to put on in the visitor's center. It was really cheesy, but the music was really good and I loved some of the harmonies. We came back to the hotel for dinner then the night was open for us. Alan, Cody, Brennon from Arizona, and I walked down main street Nauvoo to the temple to get some cool pics. There was a crowd of others from the tour in front of the temple and when we walked in, we heard one-armed Porter Ellot on the phone saying something to the effect of I am called to serve in the Los Angelas Spanish Speaking Mission. Very cool he was on Nauvoo Temple grounds finding that out. We turned around and stopped at the only shop left open that late at night. It was a very cool place. When we left, it was dark, so we walked back to the temple to get some night pictures, which were the bomb diggity. After I got back to the hotel, I put on some shorts and found Brennon in his room and we talked for a little bit. He is a pretty cool kid and we are very alike. Then Ashley and Jamie came down and we went outside, which had changed from 90 degrees and humid to comfortable with a slight breeze. Then we were sent back to bed because of curfew and I filled out a couple of post cards: one to Sibil Warnock because she served a mission out here, and one to Emma. I figured they would like it. We get to have tomorrow all to ourselves and we get to do baptisms:) I don't know what I am going to do with myself!


Janett said...

I can't believe you are dissing on Nora Roberts!! By the way it is Sybil Warnock. You might be in trouble. Dad was not to happy that I didn't let him talk to you last night. He kind of misses you. WE all do. Come home safe. Love you best.

Janett said...

Dad wants you to ask bro Campbell if you can go back to new york and sing at the lincoln memorial and try to get the bros arrested