Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The First Week of College

Last Monday, after a visit to the doctor and making any last minute errands, I drove the 44.82 miles to Ephraim and parked in the Snow Garden parking lot. I got my apartment key and was the last one in C2 to move into the next step of life. Jake Robinson was the first to move in- a couple weeks before- because of football practice. Justin Monroe (Bird), Bradan Allred, and Matt Snow (the only guy in our apartment not from Richfield, but from Grantsville) all moved in over the weekend, and Luke Johnson and I arrived Monday. I unpacked all of my stuff and took in the grand view out our apartment, even though we are on the bottom floor. The week since has been full, and I mean FULL, of surprises. One night, while Luke was taking a shower, Bradan had the brilliant idea to throw kool-aid on him. I said we should do red kool-aid because I remembered it stains your hands when you try to make it. I opened the packets into a bowl and Bradan unlocked the bathroom door and poured the powder into the shower. It was awesome. The shower looked like a murder scene, with red kool-aid splattered on the shower walls. Luke ran out of the shower, leaving red footprints on the rug and slight ones on the carpet, and tried to push open the door to Bradan's and my room, which was used as a shield from the red anger of the naked Luke. The best part was that the kool-aid left a big red mark on Luke's back and down his legs. Bradan was forced to help Luke wash the stains of Luke... ha ha ha ha. Good times. Between Chuck Norris jokes and getting ready for school to start, it was a good time. But sometimes it gets too out of hand. For example, Luke and Bradan were wrestling in Snow's and Bird's room, and when Bradan had Luke on his back, he tried to do the trick of beating your opponent against the wall to smash them, but, it wasn't Luke that got smashed, and neither Bradan. Bradan had such good aim that he rammed Luke right between the two studs inside the wall, which forced Luke through the wallboard, leaving a whole in the wall. We haven't repaired it yet, but we bought a Hannah Montana poster as a temporary fix. So many good times have already happened and the rest of the year seems promising.

Then school started. I love all of my classes; I love all 9 of my classes. Killer, huh? I do like them though. I am really enjoying Calculus II, Wind Ensemble (which after auditions, made me first chair!), African American Literature, and my Institute class Teachings of the Living Prophets. I kinda like Western Swing, Fitness for Life, and English 2010. Orchestra today was not really fun, and I haven't been to a Quintet practice yet. I decided to drop my Percussion Ensemble class, for the mere fact that its the same time as Orchestra and we haven't had class yet, even though we have had two chances to. This first semester is going to be killer, but I am going to take it chill next term. I am excited. But its a long semester ahead. It seems like its been forever since school started, and its only been a week. Luke, Snow, Bird, and I have gone swimming a few times, and I can do a front flip of the diving board now. I tried to do a gainer, but I suck and have not been successful. I am having a really good time and I have met some really cool people. The other bassoonist I play with is pretty cool, and our neighbors are sweet. Chelcy Brown lives next door, and the other chicks there are cool. One night we were invited to play volleyball, and one of the girls that invited us to play was Marisha, who I debated against and who is Janell Rowley's cousin. Some other girls came over last night (I was napping in my bed and they woke me up) and said they were having a pancake/french toast party at their apartment and we could come over and get some. Its awesome meeting so many people.

I went to the 3rd Ward in the Second Ephraim College Stake (my new home ward) and that was pretty exciting. Snow and I went together, even though he slept through all three meetings lol. Come to find out, our neighbor is the relief society president. Who knew? It excites me, too, to get a calling and be able to do something. I haven't been able to play the piano much, and it sucks. I want to play for sacrament meeting or something. But whatever the Lord needs me to do, I will do. Institute is so much fun too. I have learned so much from my class already, and its only the been the third day (second for me. I accidentally skipped the first day, but I didn't miss much). Brother Fife is a really good teacher too. He is always pushing you to do better.

So I finally decided to post a blog because I am procrastinating homework. I really need to get if done, so I will have to keep you updated.


Lauremo Noto said...

oh my heck you guys make me laugh. a murder scene and a gaping body hole in the wall?? Thats crazy intense. hahaha. I literally laughed out loud at your blog post. You are amazing.

I hope you get enough time to do great in all of your classes. Fun is essential, but so is the school you're now paying for.

But seriously, when you do have fun, remember to blog about it so I can laugh. Its a good time. hahaha.

Kirsten said...

Yeah, the other chicks there ARE pretty cool! LOL, especially that Relief Society President. Man, she is awesome! Ha ha ha ha!!!!